This article was mailed by an Alumni.....
Contribution of Dr K.S.Pande in downfall of MANIT in active collaboration with mafia and with sole aim of keeping his chair as Director
We gathered at MANIT after twenty five years for our silver jubilee celebration. We met the Director he behaved very rudely with us and even did not come to the function. We are really pained to see our Institute in such bad shape. We came to know that MANIT received 20 crores in TEQIP under World Bank fund apart from regular MHRD budget in crores of rupees. In the institute no significant change was visible which could justify the use of such huge amount of money. We came to know from media report about the irregularities at MANIT reported by Buch committee enquiry. We were surprised to see that Ashutosh Sharma although very junior inspite being indicated in almost all Irregularities by Buch report was continue Dean Administration and address the gathering as incharge Director whereas many of the reputed senior Professors were sitting as audience. After visiting Institute we are convinced that most of the findings of Buch committee seems to be correct. We came to know from the local alumni, various magzens (India Today, Outlook, Crimlook etc.) and news paper the following points .
Financial Irregularities:
1. Dr K.S.Pande out of the ten approved works worth Rs 7,50,31,000/ under TEQIP and annual plan for the year 2006 when he was exclusively in the office has awarded works worth Rs 6,76,61,000/ i.e 90% of the work to only one company M/s S.S. Construction owned by Mr Sanjeev Saxena and in all the cases the tenders were received from only three selected companies. It has been the finding that the bidding had been rigged. Dr K.S.Pande had not been able to answer that he permitted cartelization. Mr Buch committee has recommended detailed inquiry.
2. Contract for Management Information System was given in the year 2005-06 to Anil Jain a close associate of Dr.K.S Pandey and Ashutosh Sharma for Rs.20 lacs. Total work involved automation of Administration, Academic, Accounts and Library. Two years have passed no significant progress is done. Except compilation of attendance which has been done by students in other Institutes free of cost. Even this software is not working satisfactorily. Moreover the result of Ist year UG &PG could not be declared along with other result as the software was not ready. Without any appreciable work 12 lacs have been paid to him. There was already one software developed earilier by other person for examinations work for few thousand and was working quite satisfactorily his contract was terminated in Dec-Jan 2005 after Dr Pandey joined.
3. Contract of networking was given by Dr.K.S.Pandey to Accel Frontline for Rs 1.5 crores. Networking has been done only in the Institute and hostel but not working. Inspite of that 80% i.e. 1.2 crore has been paid.
4. In middle of Dec’07 various advances in the name of eight wardens (Rs.25,000 each) for hostel maintenance, D.R.Singh mess superwiser (Rs.50,000) for catering, Namita Shrivastav warden girls hostel (Rs 75,000), Anupama Sharma A.P. B.Arch. (Rs35,000), K.K.Dhota A.P. B.Arch. (Rs50,000). Out of which some advances are given by Dr.Pandey and some by Ashutosh Sharma. From the time of advance it is clear that the above money is going to used for NASA of which Ashutosh is coordinator. Professor Incharges & hostel wardens are given advances in lacs of rupees by Dr.K.S.Pande agaist the Institute policy/norms which discourages the advance practice.
5. As per AICTE/Govt. norms faculty is sanctioned in the ratio of 1:15 at present total sanctioned strength of faculty is 190 at MANIT. Out of which 170 are existing as regular faculty and only 20 were vacant in 2006. Against these 20 vacant post 80 contract lecturer were taken @ 12000/- per month along with many visiting faculty which is clear misuse of institute money to oblige the near and dear of the director. Few UG and PG courses have been started only in July 2007.
6. As per AICTE norm non teaching staff is permitted 1:1.5 of teaching faculty our teaching faculty is 190 and 1.5 times becomes 285 can be taken at the most twice, than also it comes to 380. MANIT have 472 regular nonteaching employee which is more than the sanctioned strength, hence non teaching are already surplus. Inspite of this Dr. K.S.Pandey has given contract to Manoj Sharma Eagle Security and labor supplier who is close to Ashutosh Sharma. The NIT was issued only for general sanitation on 08.11.2005. Whereas order was also given to supply skilled & nonskilled worker for institute work and Skilled Gardner and Unskilled Gardner for horticulture. The following are the figures for only 2006 for which order were issued on 31.01.2006 by Ashutosh Sharma. The order was extended for year 2007 to the same contractor Manoj Sharma with out fresh NIT.
(The contractor Manoj Sharma is facing police case in connection with the employment of security staff at MANIT also he was behind the bar for some times)
2006 No. Rate Duration Amount
Sanitary 33 @3681 11 month 121473=00
Unskilled 21 @3681 11 month 77301=00
Skilled 28 @4496 11 month 125888=00
Unskilled Gardner 16 @3681 11 month 58896=00
Skilled Gardner 20 @4496 11 month 89920=00
In the past horticulture work was managed well with the regular gardener and only 20 unskilled labour at central SOR rate i.e. @ 93=00 per day per person was followed and there was no skilled gardner.
NIT was given on 02.07.2007 , again order is given to Manoj Sharma
2007 No. Rate Duration Amount
Unskilled 41 @4415 11 month 181015
Skilled 57 @6404 11 month 365028
Sweeper 33 @4415 11 month 145695
7. Work order has been issued by Ashutos Sharma, nether photo nor the certificate of the skilled/unskilled worker have put in the files. If only sweepers case is compared to the earlier years as follow
Tenure No. Rate Duration Amount
Dr.Chande’s tenure (2004-05) 22 @3319 11month 73018=00
Dr. Pandey’s tenure (2005-06) 33 @3319 11 month 109527=00
Dr. Pandey’s tenure (2006-07) 33 @4415 11 month 145695=00
The following figures paid for contract workers show expenditure on then has increased manifold whereas Institute space building, hostels are same till today. Only two new blocks have added under TEQIP they are utilized since Oct.07.
Actually only 22 sweeper are working because no additional building were there till now. Above table show that now payment is more than two times.
As class IV employee are surplus. In past out of these employee they are working as watchman, gardener etc. therefore there is no need of these extra contract employee because even regular IV class employee are not having sufficient work as per rule.
8..Security contract with heavy inflated payment of rupees one crore extra compred
to past year. Dr.K.S.Pandey has given security contract in the name of Colonnel Choudhary who is settled in Delhi flouting rules of Director General Resettlement which requires at least ninety percent security guards should be retired arm force employees whereas at MANIT majority of them police home guards and other are private.
Contract of security guard to Manoj Sharma a very close associate of Ashutosh Sharma. Colonnel Choudhary is whose name security is given alongwith Manoj Sharma who is supervising were arrested. Colonnel got anticepatery bail but Manoj Sharma was jailed now he is on bail for employing security guard with forged documents. The following table give you the an idea about that how the institute money is eating away by these people.Apart from this the number of security guards are not 132 but actually only 70-75 in the field.
Tenure No. Duration Amount
Dr.Chande’s (2004-05) 70 11month 38,00,000/-
Dr. Pandey’s (2005-06) 132 11 month 138,00,000/-
Dr. Pandey’s (2006-07) 132 11 month 138,00,000/-
9. Mobile Phones: Dr.K.S.Pandey has appointed dozen of incharges, eight Deans and no.of heads of new ranches & created new centre (GIS) Remote sensing to satisfy Aruna Saxena w/o of Sanjeev Saxena along with Professor Training and Placement officer, to get their blind support he is liberally helping administration and financially. He has provided around 20 to 30 mobile phones to them with unlimited call for which Institute is paying around 50 to 60 thousand per month.
10. Dr K.S.Pande back dated promotion of Dr Ashutosh Sharma as professor along with his cohorts after four years giving all of them retrospective benefits, a huge financial outgo from the public fund against the rules..(Back dating promotion and pay fixation)
11. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande One has not to go far in getting to know about the massive financial irregularities in MANIT if one gives a casual look at the MANIT “Annual Report and Audited Annual Accounts Cum Audit Report 2005-06”, an authentic official document published in 2007, which is submitted to the MHRD and later laid on the table of both houses of the parliament one finds amazing instances of corruption reveled in the Annual report itself.
12. For example, in the section 11.0 titled “Report on the Accounts of the MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BHOPAL FOR THE YEAR 2005-06” dated 01.05.07, Sri J N Gupta, the Principal Accountant General (Civil and Commercial Audit), Madhya Pradesh, finds that the institute “assets were understated by Rs. 279.19 lakh” and significantly “Bank reconciliation of main bank account was not conducted for the year 2005-06. As a result there was a different of 160.66 lakh between cashbook and account as on 31st March 2006”. One carore appears to be a very small amount as far as Central Govt. is concerned. In the financial year 2005-06 Dr K.S.Pande was the Director from Nov 05 to Mar 06. For the whole year Apr 06 to Apr 07 what he has done to safe guard against such an observation?
13. If disclosed financial year 2006-07 would be no better in which he was the whole time Director.
14. The Principal Accountant General himself laments over the prevailing state of affairs, “As per bank reconciliation statement, transactions from 2001-02 are to be reconciled. Due to delay in bank reconciliation there are possibilities of misappropriation and frauds…” When the audit comments came by 01.05.07 Dr K.S.Pandey has completed one and half years of Directorship. For how much time out of a tenure of 5 years he can keep on claiming that he is new.
15. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande so far no essential regulatory mechanisms have been implemented by the institute, facilitating financial irregularities. As a consequence, the Principal Accountant General makes important observations about the National Level Institute “The Institute does not have any Accounting Manual and Audit wing in the Institute to safeguard against the errors and irregularities in operational and financial matters…. No internal audit and control procedures have been adopted by the Institute”. This action is deliberate to avoid observations
16. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande also there have also been significant lapses in maintaining proper documentation of Accounts, a fact that speaks volumes about how financial irregularities may be concealed. The Principal Accountant General remarks “No consolidated Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Account, receipts and payments Account have been prepared…Institute is maintaining five sets of Accounts……which does not give complete view of financial position of MANIT.” No efforts have been deliberately made to correct the status.
17. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande it is anybody’s guess as to why a National level institute of excellence fails to maintain proper account records, does not have the essential regulatory mechanism in place, and does not reconcile the institute bank account for several years and Dr K.S.Pande is not bothered about such a situation at all.
18. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande he has been generous and closed his eyes giving the ruling clique in MANIT a free hand to run it as a private limited company or more appropriately as a proprietorship firm and allowed to flay the fundamental accounting and audit rules.
19. Dr K.S.Pande made full help to Dr Ashutosh Sharma defend his personal promotion which was under scrutiny in the report as published in the press at the financial expense accounts of MANIT.He was kept in the office of Dean Admin and allowed to personally supervise his case on account of MANIT. The Ph.D student of Dr Ashutosh Sharma ,Mr Dhote was specially allotted the duties of Prof in/charge Legal cell and given free hand to be in Jabalpur change Advocate at exorbitant fee over and above the fee permissible and payable as per the prescribed rates by the Union Ministry of Law.The matter did not end Dr K.S.Pande has also submitted false affidavits and stated inflated account for Dr Ashutosh Sharma in the affidavit submitted on behalf of the Central Govt.
20. Dr Ashutosh Sharma had gone to Thailand for some assignment circulated only to himself. He came to India midway for his personal work however he was paid the second to & fro fare from MANIT funds.
Administration Irregularities:
1.Dr K.S.Pande the present Director all the time excuses claiming nothing wrong has been done during my tenure. However the inquiry ordered by the MHRD as per the Terms of Reference covered the inquiry into the conduct of Dr K.S.Pande and it contains adverse remarks against him including his inability to reply to the Mr Buch committee on specific aspect of financial irregularity in awarding contracts to Mr Sanjeeva Saxena and he was answer less to the query of the Mr Buch Committee.The following are few jottings of his tenure.
2. There is specific finding in the report that Dr K.S.Pande allowed himself to be played in the hands of Dr Ashutosh Sharma .This speaks about the stature of the person who claims himself to be appointed by the Cabinet Committee of the Appointments. It has been specifically been the finding that he appointed Dr Ashutosh Sharma as Dean Administration and gave him plenary powers. It shows the inefficiency of Dr K.S.Pande in controlling his much junior Dr Ashutosh Sharma and how he can be a suitable person to lead such a big institute.
3. It has been the finding of Mr Buch committee that Dr Ashutosh Sharma designed himself as Deputy Director despite the fact that he had not been so appointed officially and it was in the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande as Director of the MANIT from the time he took over as Director of the MANIT on 04-11-5 till he changed his appointment to a abolished post of Dean administration virtually with the same plenary powers. The reasons of closing eyes on such irregularity in the appointment just next to him and giving him powers over his seniors shows the inefficient capacity of Dr K.S.Pande. He needs to answer the reasons for continuance of such a irregularity and allow a person to play with a institution as per his whims and fancies. The reasons for such allowance and nexus between Dr K.S.Pande & Dr Ashutosh Sharma has to be made public.
4. Dr Ashutosh Sharma was handed over as the officiating Director while Dr K.S.Pande was away on some BOG resolution never made public and the basis of such a decision by the BOG and Dr K.S.Pande has not even spared the High Court in filing affidavit in support of Dr Ashutosh Sharma in this regard. There is a greater nexus in this affair which has to be made public.
5. Dr K.S.Pande appointed large number of Deans without any basis. Appointment at senior level to show nepotism is against the functioning of the MANIT. This all was done under the influence of the mafia operating in MANIT.
6. Clear cut instructions had been received from MHRD against the largesse distributed by the mafia to please the MANIT staff so that they close their eyes against their activities but the finding of the Mr Buch committee was that the action on this issue was being delayed by Dr K.S.Pande so that the MANIT staff can move to the Court if beneficial .All this coming from a person claiming to have been appointed by the Cabinet Committee of the Appointments. A work against the very Govt. Dr K.S.Pandey definitely requires this question to be answered. As a matter of fact Dr K.S.Pandey organized a meeting on 27-4-7 and allowed fireworks conducted in the MANIT building on 03-8-07 when the PIL in this regard was not admitted by the High Court.
7. Dr K.S.Pande was the Secretary of the BOG on 05-12-5 when the BOG approved irregular benefits to Chairman & members and did not point out the irregularity being responsible to do so being the Principal Administrative & Academic Officer of the MANIT.
8. It has been specifically stated that the burden of all the ills is being passed on to the Chairman whereas it was the responsibility of Dr K.S.Pande as Director to advise him correctly and if the Chairman not agreeing with his note of dissent but Dr K.S.Pande never did it and allowed the deterioration to continue.
9. Dr K.S.Pande was the Secretary of the BOG when the resolution to amend the House allotment rules were placed for ratification and he did not raise any objection a most blatant failure. Similarly he did not bother to put any check when the Chairman gave him written instructions taking receipt on the letter from him to implement the allotment as per rules. But he continued to work under dictates of mafia.
10. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande over and above the regular faculty of MANIT the near and dear ones of the newly recruited faculty who were exposed to the channel now were given contract appointments. The appointments given have no relation with the teaching load in MANIT whatsoever.
11. Help to mafia in furthering their unfinished agenda: In rare of rarest efficiency in a government department the confirmation order of the faculty appointed in the year 2005 were issued on the dotted dates in Jul 07 on which they completed probation period. What a efficiency ? and definitely he is entitled for a first prize from the Central Govt. and should be elevated to higher level in the administration in the Central Govt. Showing of this hurry after the submission of the report and finding the suspect nature of these appointments shows the credentials of Dr K.S.Pande Dr K.S.Pande is not that innocent he can himself see his confirmation order as lecturer. When his own confirmation order was issued or any other faculty in MANIT,the likely nature of delay in issuance of such orders and what was such an urgency once very clear remark was there to hold Inquiry in all the appointments in last two years,
12. Dr K.S.Pande has intentionally kept the permanently appointed Security Officer under suspension and appointed a Security Officer on contract so that the Security business can be easily controlled by the mafia who actually has the power of attorney to operate and the actual security agency is not operating.
13. Dr K.S.Pande permitted two of the senior faculty to work in Radhraman College one out of them Dr Agrawal has even been permitted to keep the house in the campus for indefinite period. This type of privilege is accorded to few people only. This has been done when he was holding the dual appointment as Chairman and Director. Dr Rana has been permitted to go inspite of there being no Professor in the Computer Engg. Deptt.
14. The strongest administrative skill which Dr K.S.Pande has acquired in that he declines to accept any letter from any body if it has even a slight hint against any lapse on part of the administration, any way remotely against the deeds of the mafia or in which any decision is required to be taken which may not be liking to the mafia. Safely a prize can be put if any body can bring any receipted letter by his staff and there would be no claimants. Highest attainment in administrative process. He boasts privately that he has not given receipt of any mail and nothing could be done to him. Even Mr Jhalani had to resort to getting his personal signatures on the directions which he issued in matter of allotment of houses and appointment of Deans on seniority basis.
15. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande inspite of the enforcement of the NIT Act and in full knowledge of it being enforced no plans were intentionally made so that the old mafia gang continues as long as feasible except selective implementation in premature compulsory retirement of Mr Ajit Narayan to pave the way for appointing a person suiting to the mafia in the game plan.
16. Most illegal compulsory retirement of the appointed Registrar and selection of a handpicked man for the post-How strong is the hold of the mafia on the Dr K.S.Pande can be gauged from the fact that the appointed Registrar of MANIT was kept out of his primary duties for the last 2 years and his important functions continued to be assigned to a novel appointment of Professor in/charge Administration which was always under the control of the mafia to get leverage at the same time to put check on the dissenting faculty the incumbent being famous Prof R.K.Baghel but with the enforcement of THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2007 wef 10th August, 2007 which was communicated through a letter dated 24th August, 2007 by Government of India, MHRD, New Delhi vide letter No.F.20-22/2004-TS.III, dated 24th August, 2007 making it mandatory for the Director to assign him his statutory duties so seeing red warning the incumbent Registrar was given the compulsory retirement in a well planned game plan on a dead resolution passed by the Board of Governors in the hay days of Mr Jhalani as Chairman in December 5,2005 (approx two years back) through an order of the Director Dr K.S.Pandey F.No.11/10(1)/713 dated 28-09-2007 made public on 01-10-7, 29 & 30 Sep 2007 being holidays at the same time a handpicked Mr R.K.Dwivedi Asstt Workshop Supdt was appointed as the Offg Registrar through a order dated N0.11/10(1)/572 dated 28-09-2007 but for unknown reasons made public on 09-10-7.All this because as per section 18. (1) of THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2007 the funds of the Institute were to be committed to his charge making life difficult for the mafia so this advance game plan. This was done inspite of fully knowing the illegality of the appointment of the BOG.
17. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande No public disclosure of the new mandatory disclosures under section 4 of the RTI Act 2005 in terms of new NIT Act 2007 enforced since last one and half months.
18. Dr K.S.Pande made full efforts to allow Prof R.K.Baghel in feeding false information to the police and knowingly allowed him to destroy the evidence in the form of caste certificate of SC issued in the year 1991 when Prof R.K.Baghel joined MANIT. Dr K.S.Pande cannot feign ignorance about the language of the letter which was written to SDM, Chindwara. Can a Director claiming to be appointed by Cabinet Committee of the Appointments so naïve that that he would allow the concerned officer to continue in the very appointment as Prof in/charge Administration and hold documents may be through his subordinate staff at the same time being under inquiry concerning the personal document submitted by him for claiming personal benefits of the appointment. A document issued at a later date in the year 1997 was only inquired and accepted by him and police also convinced in accepting that. The reason for allowing complete silence on the caste certificate issued and submitted in the 1991 when he joined the service is full of mystery and a great help to Prof R.K.Baghel. In place of ordering any inquiry in mysterious disappearance of the SC caste certificate of Prof R.K.Baghel issued in the year 1991 or taking any action Dr K.S.Pande consoles Prof R.K.Baghel by visiting his residence.
19. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande most important reason for this state of affairs is non implementation of RTI properly and effectively. The Director’s office as a matter of rule does not give any acknowledgement of any letter submitted to it and he boasts in private that he has not given acknowledgement to any body so far and nothing could be done to him. Repressive administrative measures are initiated against any body asking acknowledgement of his letter/RTI. The reports like Annual Report are kept as a secret and cannot be seen by lesser mortals.
20. Dr K.S.Pande also have experience and expertise in how to come out of inquiry reports in various ways including auditing done from favourable Chartered Accountant. One old (CVC) inquiry against Dr.J.L.Rana in the affairs of MP STEP has been consigned to dustbin by him and the person is happily on deputation to the private institution owened by Sanjeev Saxena granted lien in his dual capacity as Chairman and Director. The MANTI have themselves to initiate action but he is keeping quite concealing all the documents giving impression as if the other agencies have to take action
Academic Irregularities:
1. In the tenure of Dr K.S.Pande in order to reserve vacancy for himself in Metallurgist and his wife in Chemical Engg. He has started Metallurgy and Chemical Branches w.e.f. 2007.
2. The self promotion did not stop at opening own branch but utilization of the library funds for subscribing the leading journals from Elsevier at the cost of the MANIT funds at the same time ignoring the claim of the main line branches of the MANIT as if the first year students of these branches would start their studies through the world class research only without even studying the graduation level fundamentals.
3. One favourite pastime of Dr K.S.Pande is to call his wife in so called expert lectures under TEQIP or some or the other pretext of inauguration at MANIT off cource on great insistence from the faculty and students of MANIT a nice way to take air fare from the MANIT funds for the visit of his wife. What utility can be there of her so called expert lectures a Chemical Engineer? It can be anybody’s guess.
4. M.Tech-Earlier it was purely on GATE purformance.Intentionally institute level exam has been introduced whereas this exam standard is quite inferior compared to national level GATE to to accommodate near and dear of Dr.Pandey and Ashutosh Sharma.
5. For Ph.D. course work is prerequiste even to the faculty who is teaching in this Institute for past few years but to exempt Abhay Sharma brother of ashutosh Sharma who has joined fresh as Assistant Professor without teaching experience all Assistant Professor has been exempted.This exemption is approved by a committee of two dean and PG coordinator.
6. Ph.D. degree has been diluted to such an extent that sanjeev Saxena who is throughout supplementary holder in Architecture and has been given admission as full time Ph.D. scholar with Rs12000-/-pm scholarship with only B.Arch i.e. without P.G.b this is the first case of its kind. Even the position holder without P.G. could not get this opportunity.
7. In Architecture deptt., It Seems that Ashutosh Sharma is the only efficient guide in this Institute. Under his supervision three Ph.D degrees have been awarded without any significant publication since the start of Ph.D. programme during past three years in Arch. . On the contrary other research scholar having eight to ten publication in respected proceeding in engineering & sciences deptt. have not submitted yet.
Other matter-.
Manhandling of the first year students-Being sadist Dr K.S.Pande enjoys great pleasure in troubling others. In the first meeting with the first year students in the beginning of the 2007-08 session he manhandled few students in front of the faculty and other students.
2. Extra favaour to Bhaghel family of Ex employee of MANIT at the cost of
Institute money
(a)Flouting all rules and regulations he has appointed Pankaj Baghel as class IV employee on compassionate ground out of the way giving special faviour although his father death has not been confirmed whereas other wards of deceased employees children are still waiting for the compassionate ground.
(b)During past many years Mrs Saroj Baghel was retaining institute accommodation without paying rent. Rs.2,50,000/- was penalty as per institute norms against her, which has been exempted by Dr.Pandey and only nominal amount has been deposited by her. It is clear drain of institute money.
(c)As class IV employee Pankaj Baghel is entitled for IX type quarter and can be allotted if it is vacant. But Dr Pandey allotted VII/43 to him which is two type higher violating house allotment rules.
(d)Dr.Pandey sanctioned big amounts in lakh rupee for putting tiles in her kitchen, bathroom etc. and making shed and got all renovation in his presence.
(e)Institute cars with drivers are freely used by this family.
3. Extra favour to Sanjeev Saxena family who is ruling this institute:
(i)Aruna Saxena appeared for interview to the Asstt.Prof. post on July 2005 in Arch Deptt. Nest day she appeared for the post of training Placement officer in professor scale and was selected as Asstt Prof. In Arch. Deptt. And Professor Training Placement officer with no experience as Asstt. Prof.. Whereas even to be eligible to apply for professor as per AICTE norms minimum five year experience with Ph.D. is must.
(ii) Aruna Saxena e was allotted type III/34 Bungalow before the handed over the new houses to the institute. Dr. Pandey and Asutosh Sharma allowed demolition and reconstruction of newly construction bungalow as per specification of Aruna Saxena w/o Sanjeev Saxena. Out of eight bungalows this particular house has been provided with luxurious amenities for this institute has spent lakhs of rupees. This expenditure has been added in the total cast of new houses, to satisfy particular family that too very junior faculty. Where as center Govt. rules says that even 10% alteration for senior officer need special permission from the govt. and no extra construction can be done even by the employee.
(iii)Major chunk of the TEQIP money was spent on setting up GIS center for Aruna Saxena although proposal for GIS was initially put up from Civil department where a Dr.Katiyar in Ph.D from IIT Kanpur in GIS.
(iv)Only Aruna Saxena was sent for three month course to Germany under TEIQP.
(v)Huge amount of money has been spent on renovation of Training placement office after she has taken over charge T & P.
(vi)Sanjeev Saxena’s sister-in-law Anshu Gupta was sponsored for M.Arch at Dehradun just after joining fresh lecturer whereas no body can be sponsored before confirmation as per institute rule.
Alumni and well-wisher of MANIT
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