Friday, November 16, 2007

Another Perspective

I found this mail interesting, I am sure a lot of us do feel this way to some extent. I am posting the same on the blog, to encourage a dialog.
This is the 6th week in existence of this blog, yet I hardly see any concrete action from anywhere. While I understand that mounting action of any sort takes time, but are we really keen on doing something about our Alma Matter?

Dear all seniors, colleagues and my juniors,

Here is what I have sent to Sh. xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx Sir, when I got literally irritated of this so much hype among all of us to save MACT/MANIT. I would like you all to read this message, and think, just think (not necessary to write to me !), does MACT/MANIT really
deserve a supporting hand ? or can it really be saved ?

Please do read my message:-

Dear xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx Sir,

Sir, you are my senior, hence very much respected to me. But, I have to say something to you.

Sir, what MACT actually did for us during those 4 creamy year's period of our lives? Can you tell me? I don't know, what your response will be, but let me provide you my experiences:

1. It taught me by such professors, who did not know basic concepts of teaching. I hope you will support me that teaching in best way does not come necessarily in a dual pack. I am a civil engineer, and am telling you that as a Civil Engineer, my weakest subject is 'RCC and Steel structure', that forced me to take only 35 marks in IES'2003, when I had got 98-100-104 marks literally in all other papers! I fell short of 50 marks to be qualified in IES written!!!
And now, I am telling you names of 2 professors who taught us this subject in MACT. They were Mr. Gumastha and Mr. Chauhan, then lecturer, jus after his M. Tech. These gentlemen never tried to teach us; all the times wasted their time in talking and solving only the poorest of basic problems. They literally weakened all fellows' hold on this subject. I later after 6 years of being
passout tried my level best, but a subject, which could not be taught properly by professors in Engg. College, gets more and more difficult to be learnt by self. This was MACT's contribution to my career.

2. We got such a ferocious ragging, of 50 full days, in which we had to move in chronological order from Hostel No. 2, then 5 to be very soundly beaten up by our dear seniors. One of my colleagues had 102 thappads (slaps), best of ragging in 1 single night. I hope this is
sufficient to mention, how well were we protected by that rubbish Proctor and Wardens in those days.

3. We were taken to such major and minor projects of final year, which were as casually attended by us as our professors, who got us accompanied.

4. we were involved in PANGA of 1994, Which would literally overshadow any local well scale mob violence. Why, I still don't know. One Mr. Ravikant of our senior batch 1996 passout had got multiple bone fracture in his face in that PANGA, as he was caught by Hostel No. 6 fellows that time by Bangu Boss. Where were the MACT authorities, at that crucial time, is a fact remains better known till this date only to them.

5. And last...Just think in what way, we could have been treated by MACT authorities, so that the difference of studying in an REC and in any of the IITs could have been minimized? This is not only my story, you ask anyone, this is story of atleast 60% students of any class of any batch. MACT literally ruined lives of lots and lots of students, who have done better anywhere, any anywhere; had they not come to MACT!

Sir jee, we were not IIT products, your heart weeps, is more than sufficient for that Institute, because even that activity should not take place inside you, as far as I think. I confess that I am over rude, but why not ? Before thinking very positive about that Institute, why should not I think, what that Institute gave me, and what It could have given!!!!

We were taken by our bosses for booth capturing, fake voting, and their interest generated Violent attacks. Were we getting training of being better-civilized personalities, and super brained Engineers of our respective fields? People like Sanjeev Saxena, were active at
our times also. Then he was in middle, now he is at peak. So? What? Why was he treated in a very lesser authoritative way by MACT even in those days? Was Institute not knowing that seed result in large trees? The trees and its branches are what we are seeing now. In
shape of corrupt and incapable professors, in shape of inappropriate tender awards, in shape of these bloody bastard students, who face IPC 302!!!! Why getting so much surprised are you Sir?

So, Respected Sir, who ever and where ever is well placed like you and me, is not a contribution of MACT. This is because even at a later stages of our 4 years study, we realized, but we did, and tried our level best to do something. Hence you are in xxxxxxxxx and I am in xxxx. This is not at all because of MACT. Those things could have come to you anywhere. Yes Sir, anywhere!

So, don't get very much boasted of MACT, and don't let others have a feeling of Nandan Nilkeni or Azim Premji likes, that we have to do something for MACT or MANIT!!! That Institutes were likes of IITs and IIMs, and here this is our beloved MACT/MANIT.

Hence, it is my urge to all likes of you, who feel their heart bleeds at this dilapidated situation of our college, that don't waste your time, money and thoughts for MACT. This is simply heading
towards its "well-deserved" end result only. Nothing new, nothing surprising is there in this whole context.

Please do write to me, even if you think I am wrong.

With Sincere Regards
xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
1993-1997 Civil Engineering Batch

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